Qvantel Flex BSS on AWS


Qvantel Flex BSS is designed for digital disruption. As a cloud-native platform, it is comprised of a suite of microservices, efficiently managed with Kubernetes and Rancher frameworks in the cloud.

Qvantel Flex BSS has been optimized to use AWS cloud infrastructure services.

Qvantel products and services are available in the AWS Marketplace. Click below to access the AWS curated digital catalog.

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Benefits of Deploying BSS on AWS

 1. Automation across the network, faster time to market

  • Rapid development & provisioning
  • Increased automation
  • Focus on business

2. Intelligent, resilient & proven operations

  • Resilience, scalability, and reliability
  • Secure & innovate
  • Expertise

3. Cloud economics & new business models

  • Grow (or shrink) on demand
  • New business models
  • Low cost of entry

Main AWS Products & Services Leveraged by Qvantel Flex BSS

Amazon EC2 

Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers a broad and deep compute platform with over 600 instances and choice of the latest processor, storage, networking, operating system, and purchase model. Amazon is the first major cloud provider that supports Intel, AMD, and ARM processors. It's also the only cloud with on-demand Mac instances and 400 Gbps Ethernet networking.

Amazon EKS 

Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service to run Kubernetes in the AWS cloud and on-premises data centers. In the cloud, Amazon EKS automatically manages the availability and scalability of the Kubernetes control plane nodes responsible for scheduling containers, managing application availability, storing cluster data, and other key tasks. On-premises, EKS provides a consistent, fully-supported Kubernetes solution with integrated tooling and simple deployment to AWS Outposts, virtual machines, or bare metal servers.

AWS PrivateLink 

AWS PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between virtual private clouds (VPCs), supported AWS services, and your on-premises networks without exposing your traffic to the public internet. Interface VPC endpoints, powered by PrivateLink, connect you to services hosted by AWS Partners and supported solutions available in AWS Marketplace.

Amazon EBS 

Amazon EBS

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is an easy-to-use, scalable, high-performance block-storage service designed for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Amazon S3 

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. Customers of all sizes and industries can store and protect any amount of data for virtually any use case, such as data lakes, cloud-native applications, and mobile apps. 

Amazon RDS 

Amazon RDS

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a collection of managed services that makes it simple to set up, operate, and scale databases in the cloud. Customers can choose from seven popular engines—1) Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility, 2) Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility, 3) MySQL, 4) MariaDB, 5) PostgreSQL, 6) Oracle, and 7) SQL Server— and deploy on-premises with Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts.

AWS outpost 

AWS Outposts

AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any data center, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a consistent hybrid experience. AWS Outposts is good for workloads that require low latency access to on-premises systems, local data processing, or local data storage.




Use Cases

Use Case Customer Issue(s) Solution
Digital Greenfield Customer is challenged in the local market and current BSS does not allow fighting back properly.

Customer wants to generate new revenues by expanding into new segments with a focused proposition.
  • Qvantel Flex BSS is a quick-to-deploy, cloud-native BSS solution
  • Rapid creation of a new, digital-first solution, e.g. fighter brand or separate BSS stack
  • The solution is designed for fast adaptation and reacting to market feedback (with no/low code configurability) which is vital in launching new digital brands and B2B services
Legacy BSS Replacement Customer has one or more legacy BSS solutions that are monoliths, slow to adapt to new needs, inefficient to maintain, and unable to fuel innovation.
  • Qvantel Flex BSS is a quick-to-deploy, cloud-native solution
  • The platform supports multiple business lines (mobile, fixed, B2C, B2B, and cloud services) needed to replace the legacy BSS
  • Qvantel Flex BSS provides no/low code framework (Flex) that enables efficient process and related business rules adaptation and further evolution often needed in covering multiple lines of business when legacy is replaced
5G SA Monetization BSS Stack Customer needs flexibility and agility in configuring 5G SA use cases / products and in bringing them rapidly to the market.
  • Qvantel Flex BSS is a quick-to-deploy, cloud-native BSS solution
  • Open BSS API framework to support easy integrations and future innovations
  • Pre-integrated with Nokia 5G SA AVA Charging to provide end-to-end 5G SA monetization solution


Customer Case: Very Mobile

Very Mobile is the digital-first brand of Italian service provider WINDTRE. The digital service provider has seen rapid uptake of its offering by consumers due to attractive offers, a focus on customer experience, and an intuitive and easy-to-use app. As a digital-first service provider, Very Mobile wanted a BSS that was designed for the digital revolution. Their digital-first approach includes advanced zero-touch onboarding with video authentication, eSIM, community groups, and Member Get Member. Click below to find out how Very Mobile is growing rapidly in a highly competitive market.


Download Success Story

Watch the full webinar where Wind Tre CTO Benoit Hanssen speaks about creating a successful digital-first service provider:


Watch On-Demand Webinar


Digital first offering

WindTre wanted to launch a digital first offering to the Italian market and design the solution for advanced digital self-service, from digital onboarding with eSIM delivery to mAPP service management.



Qvantel Flex BSS was used for supporting a fully digital experience, with mobile application driven onboarding with eSIM delivery, innovative viral marketing capabilities and fast time-to-market commercial management.



Very Mobile has grown rapidly, reached excellent NPS scores, and has been a showcase in some of the industry conferences on digital-first brand.



Digital CRM for CSP Needs

Qvantel Flex BSS contains telecom industry optimized CRM, with customer 360 view, easy and powerful tools for call-center for handling customer needs, and performing upselling and cross-selling, as well as Telecom B2B sales optimized Sales CRM for efficient handling of sales processes from lead to cash. Also, Qvantel Flex BSS CRM capabilities include mobile application for end-user self-service, as well as open APIs for CSPs to innovate and implement additional customer touchpoints and integrate to 3PP applications of their choice.


Flex Studio for High Configurability

Qvantel Flex BSS contains visual tools for CSP or CSP partners to rapidly evolve and change the business processes and business rules. This enables CSPs to continuously optimized and perfect their business processes, respond to the competitors moves, launch new offerings and enter new business domains with a new level of agility and efficiency when CSPs have visual tools to implement the changes themselves, instead of waiting change request implementations from the BSS vendor.